সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা

Sena Kalyan Sangstha

মানবতার কল্যাণে ৫২ বছর
52 Years For Humanity

সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা'র পন্য ক্রয় করুন , আর্তমানবতার সেবায় অংশ নিন
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Business Entities / Real Estates / Sena Kalyan Trade Center

Sena Kalyan Trade Center, Chittagong

It is a 18-Storied building named Sena Kalyan Trade Centre with 2 basement at Agrabad, Chittagong under the Real Estate Division(RED) of the Sena Kalyan Sangstha on the area of 13.5 Katha land. The Building starts its construction work on 15 November 2012 and already completed on 16 September 2016. The initial project cost was Tk. 37.00 Crore in which SKS own fund was Tk 15 crore and rest amount taken as a bank loan. The consultant of the building was BASTOV CONSULTANTS

Sena Kalyan Trade Center, Chittagong – At A Glance


Total Land Area 13.5 Katha
Total Floor Area 94,700 Sft
Total No. of Storey 18 Storied + 2 basement
Date of commencement 15 November 2012
Date of completion of wk 16 September 2016
Name of Contractor M/S Toma Construction Co. Ltd
Total Cost Estimate Tk. 37.00 Cr
Source of Fund SKS own fund-15 Cr + Adv Rent
Expenditure till July 2015 11.99 Crore

Contact Info

Head Office

Address Sena Kalyan Sangstha, SKS Tower (8th floor), 7, VIP road, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Tel 02-55058408
Email gmred@senakalyan.com, dgmred@senakalyan.com
Fax 55058401
PABX 02-55058408
Website www.senakalyan.org


Address Sena Kalyan Trade Center, Level-4, 29 Agrabad, Ctg-4100
Tel 02-333322163
Email sktc.sks@gmail.com
Fax 02-333322164