সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা

Sena Kalyan Sangstha

মানবতার কল্যাণে ৫২ বছর
52 Years For Humanity

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Business Entities / Industrial Units / Mongla Cement Factory

Mongla Cement Factory

Cement is an essential component of infrastructural development. It is also one of the most important input of construction industry, mainly in case of government’s infrastructure and housing programs, which are necessary for the country’s socio-economic growth and development. As a result the market demand of cement is increasing day by day. Earlier a large quantity of cement was imported from different countries, whereas quality of cement was not up to the standard. Keeping in mind the importance of cement industries, create employment opportunity and to save the hard earned foreign currency of the nation and to extend/increase the welfare... read more>>

Mongla Cement Factory – At A Glance

Production Capacity

Mill- 1 65 MT/hr
Mill- 2 35 MT/hr
Mill- 3 110 MT/hr

Storing Capacity

Clinker 40,000 MT (30000+10000)
Gypsum 6,000 MT
Limestone 7,700 MT

Storing Capacity

Slag 5,000 MT
Fly ash 8,000 MT (2000+6000)
Cement 15,000 MT (3x5000)

Packing & Jetty

Packing Plant- 1 & 2 100 MT/hr (each)
Packing Plant- 3 Under Process
Jetty 185 meter

Jetty Crane & Delivery System

Electro Mechanical 180 MT/hr
E crane, Hydraulic 180-225 MT/hr
Cement Delivery System By Road- Own Transport / Dealer , By River Route- Dealer


Total Manpower 215
Status of the Company SKS is a Trustee organization and Mongla Cement Factory is a business unit under SKS
Trade License 00025 (Mongla Port Pourashava)

Key Persons Of The Company

Serial No Designation Name
01 DG Brig Gen Md Mahfuzur Rahman, PBGMS
02 ED Capt. Shaikh Mohamman Mesbah Uddin, (N), psc, BN
03 GM (Commercial) Md Maksudul Karim
04 DGM(Admin) Lt Cdr Sheikh Munir Ahmed, (TAJ), BN
06 DGM (LAB & QC) Md. Tahmidul Islam
07 DGM (Maintenance) Md. Sarwarul Alom
08 Manager (Mechanical) Md. Abdus Salam
09 Manager (Accounts) Lawrenge Oli Gomez

Customer Service(9 AM to 5 PM)

DHAKA DIVISION 01769-056317,01742-908783
KHULNA DIVISION 01769-056511
RAJSHAHI DIVISION 01769-056467,01769-056575

Selling Point Number For HeadOffice

Selling Point Number For Khulna

Selling Point Number For Bogura

Selling Point Number For Barisal

Selling Point Number For Rajshahi

Our Products

Elephant Brand Cement
Elephant Brand Cement
Elephant Brand Cement
Elephant Brand Cement
Sena Cement
Sena Cement

Contact Info

Head Office

Address Sena Kalyan Sangstha, SKS Tower(5th floor),7, VIP road, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Tel 02-9890819
Mobile 01769-056575, 01769-056317, 01769-056313
Email sksbd1sales@gmail.com
Fax 55058401
PABX 02-55058408
Website www.senakalyan.org


Address Mongla Cement Factory, Burirdanga, Mongla, Bagerhat.
Tel 041-732697
Mobile 01769-056506,01769-056507
Email monglacementfactory@gmail.com, mcfsales1994@gmail.com
Fax 04662-75376
PABX 02-478846029
Website www.senakalyan.org